Earth Odyssey

Directed by Adi Halfin


Earth Odyssey was made by dancers from different continents filming themselves in their confinement with their personal phones and computers. It was made in the first week of April 2020 while almost 2 billion people around the globe were unable to move freely due to the restrictions imposed in an attempt to prevent the spread of the CoronaVirus.

Director: Adi Halfin

Editor: Adi Halfin

Producer: Bobbi Jene Smith, Or Schraiber

Writer, Composer, Performer: Asaf Avidan

Key Cast: Morgan Bobrow-Williams, Vinson Fraley, Mariko Kakizaki, Doug Letheren, Yiannis Logothetis, Rachael Osborne, Ian Robinson, Or Schraiber, Bobbi Jene Smith, Imre Van Opstal, Tom Weinberger , Leal Zielinska


Sting Like a Bee - Leone


Wallace Chan - The Art of Materials - Directed by Martina Margaux Cozzi